Female Druids, The Bandorai

Welcome back to White Rose of Avalon my Darlings.   This week’s Femme Fatale Friday is going to focus on the Female Druids.   Druid Priestesses are called Bandorai, or some other form of the word which I will explain a bit below.   They are considered to be the Priestesses of the Celts which…

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Finding Personal Sacred Symbols

Welcome back to White Rose of Avalon my Darlings.   Today’s post is about the process of finding Sacred Symbols that are personal to us, instead of simply relying on the common ones.   We can incorporate common Sacred Symbols into a series of Personal Sacred Symbols to enhance our Spiritual Journey!   Let’s look…

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Faery Daughters of Avalon: A Poem

Welcome back to White Rose of Avalon my Darlings.   Today’s post is a poem about walking the Faery Goddess Path of Avalon. Faery Daughters of Avalon by Maranda Wabik Blossoms of OAK, BROOM, & MEADOWSWEET Scatter along my brow and through my hair Blessings from the Goddess above Full of love The Sword of…

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Overview of the Avalonian Cycle of Healing

Welcome back to White Rose of Avalon my Darlings.    For today’s post, I have decided to do an overview of the Avalonian Cycle of Healing used by the Sisterhood of Avalon. STATION OF DESCENT ~Keywords from The Avalonian Oracle: Descent, the Unconscious, healing, cleansing, releasing, waning, blood mysteries, the Otherworld, wisdom, threshold place, entering…

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The Welsh Celtic Concept of Sacrificial Kingship

Welcome back to White Rose of Avalon my Darlings!   For today’s post, I have decided to discuss the concept of Celtic Sacrificial Kingship and how it relates to Seasonal Sovereignty.    There are several cases of Sacrificial Kingship and Seasonal Sovereignty in Celtic Lore, however, I will be focusing on the tales of Blodeuwedd,…

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Sacred Sexuality & The Divine Feminine

Welcome back to White Rose of Avalon my Darlings!    For this week’s Femme Fatale Friday, and the first Femme Fatale Friday of October, I have decided to discuss the connection between Sacred Sexuality and the Divine Feminine.    It is well-documented that in ancient civilizations there were several Goddesses that had Priestesses who served…

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9 Must-Read Books for Spiritual Seekers Who are Interested in Welsh Celtic Mystery Traditions

Welcome back to White Rose of Avalon my Darlings!   Today’s post is a countdown of my top nine choices for must-read books for people interested in Welsh Celtic Mystery Traditions!   I have chosen to rank these books based on their importance to read if you are walking a path of Welsh Celtic Mysticism,…

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Virgo & the Priestess Archetype

Welcome back to White Rose of Avalon my Darlings!   This week’s Femme Fatale Friday is a bit different, as I will be discussing the only zodiac sign depicted as a female, and my personal Sun and Moon sign, Virgo.   In particular, I want to discuss the archetype of Virgo as a Priestess and…

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Morgana & Blodeuwedd: Balancing Aspects of Divine Feminine Tarot Archetypes

Welcome back to White Rose of Avalon my Darlings!   For today’s post, I have decided to write about a topic that came to me in a moment of inspiration at the Ninefold Festival this past weekend!   The topic is how my two most beloved Goddesses, Morgan le Fay and Blodeuwedd balance aspects of…

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Color Magick

Welcome back to White Rose of Avalon my Darling readers!   Today’s post is another one about the power held within colors.    This time I am going to take it color by color which is deeply important to me!   This one will also focus on my personal magickal associations with each color.   …

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