Chakras: Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energy

Welcome back to White Rose of Avalon my Darlings.    Today’s post is about how we can view the seven Chakras of the body as being aligned with Masculine Energy, Feminine Energy, or both!   As a brief side note, all of these observations are my own, based on how I have worked with the Chakra system over all of my years as a Yogini.   I would be fascinated to know how others view the Chakras, especially in ways that differ from my own.   Without further ado, let’s look at each Chakra and their energetic alignment one by one!


~I find the Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine, to be the neutral Chakra, embodying both energies in equal proportion to provide grounding into the present.    It is the Earth element Chakra that provides a sense of centeredness in the body!   Now, I realize that as a Chakra connected to the Earth element and so rooted into the Earth, some may view this Chakra as Feminine.  But to me the Chakra is neutral, embodying both energies because it is all about the sense of safety which is so intrinsic a desire for everyone! 


~I find the Sacral Chakra, located in the Womb or lower abdominal region, to be Feminine.   This Chakra is associated with the Fire element, but I think it has both energies of Fire and Water, and is the seat of creativity and fertility in the body!    This creative powerhouse has a very obvious Feminine tone.   I am sure that some, due to the Fire elemental association, may state that it is Masculine, embodying Masculine sexual energy.   However, as I stated I think in truth that this Chakra has both Fiery and Watery qualities, plus it is located where the physical Womb is, which to me clinches the argument that the Sacral Chakra is Feminine!   To me, this is the Chakra of the Goddesses of Love, Sexuality, and Fertility.

Solar Plexus: MASCULINE

~I find the Solar Plexus Chakra, located in the middle of the abdomen above the bellybutton, to be Masculine.   This is the Fiery and Solar seat of personal power and will, which places it as having the outward energy and vitality so known of the Masculine.   In many ways, I think we can almost call the Solar Plexus the Sun God Chakra, because this is the Chakra I think of as having the Masculine sexual energy overflowing, and it is the outward momentum of personal power!


~I find the Heart Chakra, located where the physical heart is, to be Feminine.   The Watery seat of the emotions and the Green energy of the overflowing and abundant Heart is Feminine because it is the seat of the emotions, compassion, and empathy, all associated with Feminine nurturance!   This is a Chakra that needs a lot of compassion when dealing with blockages, as we store so much of our own pain here.   By tapping into our own innate Feminine energy (which we all have because everyone has a balance of Masculine and Feminine within themselves) we can begin to truly heal by working with this powerful center!   Much like the Sacral, to me, this is the Chakra of the Goddesses of Love and Fertility, but also to Goddesses of Sovereignty of the Land and Motherhood.


~I find the Throat Chakra, located in the middle of the throat, to be Masculine.   This Chakra is the power of outward speech and making your voice heard above the chatter of the collective, which is an outward, and therefore Masculine trait!   I also personally associate this Chakra with the Masculine Divine, especially Gods like Hermes, who are very associated with clear communication.   After all, communication is exactly what we are working on when we use our Throat Chakra!


~I find the Third Eye Chakra, located in the middle of the forehead, to be Feminine.   This is the seat of perception, intuition, and prophecy, all associated with the Feminine.   As we know that the intuitive arts are known to be Feminine, it is not surprising that this Chakra also aligns with the receptive energy!   The Third Eye is one of the most talked about Chakras for a reason, as many of us studying the Chakras have very open Third Eyes, which leaves us wanting explanations for our increased perceptions.   To me, this is the Priestess Chakra, and the Chakra of all the Goddesses associated with Prophecy, Oracular Work, and Magick!


~Finally, I find the Crown Chakra, located above the head, to be, Masculine.   This seat of connection to the Divine consciousness above harkens to a connection with the Sky Gods and Lords of Thunder, making my connection between the Crown and the Masculine quite obvious!   This is the Chakra of the Gods of Thunder and many Kings of the Gods.

~I hope you have enjoyed this short breakdown of the Chakras of Masculine and Feminine energy.   Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

Note on Image: The image at the top of the post is a Chakra artwork.   I found the image on


Tarot Note: I have a page offering tarot and oracle readings for those interested in these services!    I am very happy to be offering these readings to my treasured readers at White Rose of Avalon!  Link to page:  

Further Reading

  • Wheels of Life by Anodea Judith