Green, Purple, & Gold: Embracing the Power of Colors

Welcome back to White Rose of Avalon my Darlings.   Today’s post is about the significance of power colors, and how the colors that we use for magickal and spiritual power can evolve over time!    As always, I will be looking at this concept through what is most prevalent for my own practice at this time.    For me, those colors are Green, Purple, and Gold!

Now, many will think of these colors in the context of being the colors of Mardi Gras, however, they are not just linked to the raucous parties held before the Christian Lent each year.    Purple is a color of Royalty, Green is the color of leaves in the Earth and very groundedly Fae in nature, Gold is the color of the Sun and the enchantment of Faery Queens coming from the Otherworld to seek husbands (with the story of Rhiannon coming from the Otherworld to meet Pwyll being a prime example, as she is clothed in Golden finery)!   

Gold is a color that has forever fascinated me, along with its metallic counterpart Silver.    While I am very fair-skinned and wear Silver and White Gold jewelry, as it flatters my cool-toned complexion, there is still that deep draw to the Golden colors for clothing.   As I am now deeper into my spiritual journey, I realize that is likely due to my being a Leo Ascendant (or Leo Rising) which is ruled by the Sun.   My Leo Rising lending to a magickal fascination with Gold is coupled with the fact that my Aura is in fact Gold colored.   I actually have a full blog post from a few years ago that was about my Golden Aura, which I will link below if anyone is interested.   Gold in my spiritual practice is often used in meditative techniques to attune to my own aura, and to deepen my connection to the Fae realms!    

My love of Purple as one of my favorite colors has been with me since I was young.   This is very much likely due to all of the lovely flowers colored purple, like the famed Foxglove flower, which is a poisonous Faery plant!    The connection to Royalty is something that I find links this color to Faery Queens for me, which is much how I tend to use it in my own magickal and spiritual practices.  Whenever I wear shades of Purple, especially deeper shades, I feel very much in tune with the regal energy of Faery Queens!

Finally, we get to that lovely color of leaves and grass, Green!    I was always very enchanted by Green as a young child, maybe because of its obvious connection with the natural world and my adoration of all plants, flowers, and trees.   Or maybe it was because I always felt the pull to the Fae (and felt surrounded by them) and they are so often depicted with this as a sacred color.   Even our most recognizable Faery image from childhood, Tinkerbell in Disney’s Peter Pan, is decked out in Green.    Of course, for me, there may be a more grounded reason I loved Green as a child, it has always been my Mother’s favorite color.   So I personally also associate this color with not just Mother Earth, and Fae, but with my own Mom!   As I have gotten deeper into my magickal and spiritual journey, incorporating much more herbal knowledge (and becoming an herbalist myself) the color Green has become ever more present in my life.    I even find myself attracted to Green clothing more than ever before, donning the color with great frequency!

I hope you have enjoyed this look at how colors that we are drawn to in our spiritual workings can evolve over time, with an examination of the three most important colors for me.   What are some of your most profound power colors in magick?   Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

Note on Image: The image at the top of the post is a lovely picture of Rhiannon in her Gold finery.   I found the image on

Tarot Note: I have a page offering tarot and oracle readings for those interested in these services!    I am very happy to be offering these readings to my treasured readers at White Rose of Avalon!  Link to page:

Further Reading