An Exciting New Tarot Offering from the Enchantress of Avalon!

Welcome back to White Rose of Avalon my Darlings.   Today’s post is an announcement about another exciting new offering I have for all of you!   With the launch of Avalonian Rose Faery Mysteries Patreon a week ago, I have felt the urge to revitalize my Tarot services offered here on White Rose of Avalon.    For the last year or so I have been contemplating offering Channeled Tarot Reading Services here, but I was uncertain, as I did not feel comfortable calling in just any spiritual being during a reading.   Over the last few months, the Faery Queen Goddesses with whom I am blessed to work and devote myself to, have been urging me to offer readings with them, as I already am intimately familiar with their gorgeous and powerful energies!    

Now that I have an entire Patreon Faery Mystery Community and Mystery School launched, where I am sharing their beautiful knowledge, energy, meditations, and discussions, it felt like the ideal time to begin offering these Pre-Recorded Channeled Readings with Faery Queens!    As of yesterday, I have updated my Tarot and Oracle Services page to remove PayPal payment as an option, as I have been having trouble with PayPal, so the secure use of entering your card information (which is processed through Stripe on WordPress sites) and a free WordPress account (which allows your email to be logged) is the only way to purchase once again.   However, I also added the option to purchase a Channeled Reading with a Faery Queen of your choice!

I will do a Channeled Reading with one of my four beloved Faery Queen Goddesses with whom I have a deep relationship, Morgan le Fay (I am her Priestess and she is my Matron Goddess), Blodeuwedd (I am also her Priestess), Guinevere (a Faery Queen I have had a life long bond with), and Rhiannon (a Faery Queen I have felt the pull of since I first heard the Stevie Nicks song)!   When you order this type of reading, like any of my readings, I ask that you email me at with your choice of deck, which Faery Queen I should channel for you, and your question or focus for the reading.   I will then perform your channeled reading and email you the video within 48 hours!

The deck choices are currently, The Arthurian Tarot, The Wildwood Tarot, The Llewellyn Tarot, Tarot of the Hidden Realm, The Crow Tarot, The Wisdom of Avalon Oracle, and The Faery Forest Oracle.   I would recommend Tarot decks for this particular style of reading, but I am happy to perform it with an Oracle deck if that is the client’s preference!    

This specialized reading is priced at $150, as it takes much more energy than other Oracular work, with the channeling aspect.   I hope that anyone looking to deepen their relationship with Morgan le Fay, Blodeuwedd, Guinevere, or Rhiannon will consider purchasing this exciting new channeled reading offering from me!    

You can also join my Patreon, Avalonian Rose Faery Mysteries, for as little as $3 a month!   With a Patreon membership, you will gain access to so much extra monthly exclusive content related to these Faery Queens if a channeled reading is not something you desire to do at this time.    I hope that you have enjoyed this exciting announcement.   Which of these four Faery Queens do you feel the most drawn towards?   Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

Note on Image: The image at the top of the post is a picture of some of the decks you could choose for a Channeled Reading!


Tarot Note: I have a page offering tarot and oracle readings for those interested in these services!    I am very happy to be offering these readings to my treasured readers at White Rose of Avalon!  Link to page: