April Showers, The Power of Weather Magick

Welcome back to White Rose of Avalon my Darlings.   Today’s post is about weather magick and storm waters, as this month of April is famously rainy.    The rain in April is necessary for the growth of the flowers and plants in May!    Of course, weather magick is not just about rain, which is why I am going to break down this post into sections of different types of weather.


~Clearly rain is the most common type of watery weather, especially in Spring.    The power of rain is a very cleansing and nourishing energy that can help in healing and nurturing whatever you are looking to grow in your life!   I find the magickal uses of rainwater to be much like the rainwater of early Spring nourishes the Earth Herself to promote the growth of flowers as the Spring blooms forth in all her splendor during May!


~Storms are rain combined with thunder and lightning, making for a more potent energy of watery weather when compared to rain alone.   Instead of being an energy of healing and nurturing, stormwater and storm energy is about energizing your life.    I also like stormwater for protection, given its extra oomph of power.   Stormwater’s uses magickally mirror the ire of the storm itself!


~Hail is another potent type of water weather, being ice that is falling from the sky.    Melted hail is sort of like an extra powerful form of stormwater and can be utilized in very similar ways.    While I said stormwater has oomph, and it does, that does not compare to the punch packed by melted hail!    If you want to make a real impact on something magickally, like hail can dent a car, this type of water will truly help empower your working. 


~Finally, snow is a watery weather that is so indicative of Winter that its waters remind me of a way to incorporate the energy of Winter into other times of the year.   This type of weather water of melted snow can aide in going within, deepening psychic attributes, as Winter is a time of internal growth!    This water is also great magickally for times when you need some calmness and stillness in a hectic life.

~A brief note to end out this post, you need not collect every form of weather water to work with it, as we can get many great magickal and spiritual gifts by being out in the weather itself!    I find so much cleansing from dancing around in the pouring rain, and there is a serenity about walking in a light snowfall that is very much in line with how these weather waters can be used after the fact.   I hope you have liked this very short post about magickal weather waters.   What is your favorite type of weather water to work with magically and spiritually?   Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

Tarot Note: I have a page offering tarot and oracle readings for those interested in these services!    I am very happy to be offering these readings to my treasured readers at White Rose of Avalon!  Link to page: https://whiteroseofavalon.life/tarot-and-oracle-readings/

Further Reading

  • The Fairy Bible by Teresa Moorey
  • Water Witchcraft by Annwyn Avalon
  • The Way of the Water Priestess by Annwyn Avalon