Sacred Sexuality, Embracing the Nymph Within

Welcome back to White Rose of Avalon my Darlings.   Today’s post is about Sacred Sexuality and the Nymph archetype.   Now, I have two dual reasons for choosing this topic for today’s post.   Firstly, my post on Nymphs and Sexuality which is from my very first year running this blog is still one of my most popular posts here.   Secondly, we are very quickly coming up on Imbolc, which is on February 1, and I associate Imbolc season with the Nymph in my personal spiritual practices!

I have evolved my spiritual practice over the last few years to embody a species of Faery each holiday season and I am also working with the energy of Tree Faeries for each of these seasons.   So, in my personal spiritual practices, I am embodying the Nymph for Imbolc while I am also working with the energy of the Birch tree.   The Birch tree is a symbol of innocence and renewal.   This is very similar to the Nymph energy, in that Nymphs are hyper-associated with sexuality, but they are also inherently innocent Faery women because they are innocent in their sexuality.   In other words, sexuality which is pure and simply part of the wildness of nature herself. I want to briefly note that I may have chosen a Greek name for this species of Faery, for this season, but my practice is rooted in Celtic lore. I find that Nymphs hold energy that is easily seen in the Faery Lover aspect of Morgan le Fay and in Blodeuwedd in her Sacred Sexuality aspects as well! I also want to state that as I have said in previous posts, I find that most species of Faery exist all over the world, but are given different names in different time periods and by different cultures, so I tend to use names for Faery species that encapsulates the energy of the species best, or are best known.  

Now that I have given that preamble, let’s look at Nymph’s energy! The pure energy of nature is uncorrupted and Faeries are naturally very sexual in energy.    This purity of nature is personified by Nymph energy which is inherently sexual in nature, but that is not in a perverse way.   Instead, it is in a very sensual and beautiful way to personify sexuality.   This link to innate sexuality explains why Nymphs are truly the personification of sexuality in the modern idiom, with Nymphomaniac meaning someone who is obsessed with sex and even potentially addicted to sex.   However, as I have already stated, in older myths and legends Nymphs are not sexual addicts, instead being the personification of the beauty and sensuality of nature herself!   This is why we have all sorts of Nymphs embodying different types of natural phenomena, Woodland Nymphs, Tree Nymphs, Sea Nymphs, and Ocean Nymphs to name a few.   

Now that we have covered Nymph energy let’s move on to discussing Sacred Sexuality.   Sacred Sexuality is the process of seeing the Body as Divine.   This is also the process of treating the Body as a Temple, as we must remember that sex itself is a sacred act!   Some easy ways to embody Sacred Sexuality are to use Bath Magick, go Skyclad during magick practice, practice Sex Magick, practice Self-Love Magick, work on Fertility, and Ground into the Body.   Now, many of these things can be seen as interconnected or different aspects of the same practice.   I think that it can be boiled down to Fertility, Sex Magick, Skyclad Magick, and Grounding into the Body.   Fertility is a focus of many sexual magickal practices for those who want to focus on creativity and the fertility of the mind, body, spirit, and land.   Sex Magick can be used to enhance any type of manifestation rituals.   Going Skyclad, or naked, during a magickal ritual is a good way to connect to nature.   Finally, Grounding into the Body is the best way to feel at home in your own skin.   Essentially, being Grounded in your Body is the best way to connect to the land, waters, nature, and fertility in general!

In conclusion, I think embracing Nymph energy is one of the easiest ways to truly embrace the energy of Sacred Sexuality, as many of the aspects of Sacred Sexuality that I described in the previous paragraph are very in line with how I view Nymph energy.   That is why I decided to write about Nymphs, Sacred Sexuality, and how it relates to the Imbolc season all at once for this post.   I hope that you have enjoyed this short post discussing the importance of Sacred Sexuality.   What is your favorite aspect of Sacred Sexuality?  Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!          

Note on Image: The image at the top of the post is some artwork of Woodland Nymphs.   I found the image on 

Tarot Note: I have a page offering tarot and oracle readings for those interested in these services!    I am very happy to be offering these readings to my treasured readers at White Rose of Avalon!  Link to page: 

Further Reading

  • The Sacred Sex Rites of Ishtar by Annie Dieu-Le-Veut