Sleeping Beauty: The Most Faery of Fairytales

Welcome back to White Rose of Avalon my Darling readers!   For today’s post, I will be discussing my favorite fairytale, Sleeping Beauty, as the most Faery of fairytales.   Obviously, those familiar with the tale will know that it features an abundance of Faery beings.   But what makes it stand out for me is that we see a diverse overview of Faery behaviors in this particular tale.   I will be analyzing the Disney versions of this tale, as other versions have even more magickal and faery characters, often numbering at least twelve, and that would end up being a much longer analysis than I think is necessary to explain my point!

The first Faeries that are usually thought of when people think of the story of Sleeping Beauty are very likely the three good faeries.   In the 1959 Disney film, they are named Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather.   They are benevolent Fae beings that act as guardians, aunts, protectors, and mentors to Princess Aurora, whom they call Briar Rose, as she grows from a baby until her sixteenth birthday.   These Faeries are the embodiment of the love and light energy of positive Faery symbology.   However, that is far from all we know of the Fae, especially when we factor in the older folklore.

That is what brings in the other Faery in this particular story.   Many will argue that Maleficent better fits the image of the classical evil witch, yet, she is specifically called a Dark Fae and fits with much of the darker Faery folklore popularized within the medieval period.   She cursed a baby to death, which was altered to a deathlike sleep only to be broken by true love’s kiss.   This is a direct parallel to the stories of Faeries stealing babies and leaving Faery changelings in their place.   It was a very real belief and very powerful fear for centuries when people were more apt to see the Fae as dangerous (even demonic) instead of like Victorian flower Faeries and Tinkerbell.  Having a Dark Fae as the villain of the story balances the view of the Fae in this tale, making it the most truly Faery of all fairytales.

We get a broader view of this when we factor in the Disney Maleficent films, which gave a deeper backstory to the original tale.   Maleficent was now not just a Dark Fae, but also a warrior and a caring figure that is misunderstood.   It also pokes fun at the idea that Faeries should only be seen as harmless flower Faeries, with the good Faeries being portrayed as utterly incompetent.   It is a reminder that even if the Faery is dark and could be dangerous, it far from means that the Faery is evil!   

I hope that you have enjoyed this brief analysis of why my favorite fairytale is the most truly Faery one of all.   Do you enjoy Sleeping Beauty?   Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

Note on Image: The image at the top of the post is a picture from the original film.   I found the image on

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Further Reading/Watching

  • Sleeping Beauty (any and all written versions)
  • Sleeping Beauty (1959)
  • Maleficent (2014)
  • Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019)