Bees & Honey: The Power of Pollinators as Animal Spirit Guides and Guardians!

Welcome back to White Rose of Avalon my Darlings.    Today’s blog post is about Bees as Animal Spirit Guides.    This post was inspired by the fact that Bees have been appearing in my life quite a lot recently!

The energy of the Bee is one of fruitfulness, collaboration, sweetness, and love of honey.    The Bee has been a sacred animal to the Priestesses since ancient times, which is where the term Melissa comes from for ancient Priestesses of Aphrodite, Priestesses of Demeter and Persephone (who was known as the Honeyed One) at the Eleusinian Mysteries, and Priestesses of Artemis.   There are also links to Priestesses of Hermes and Apollo using the title as well, bringing in a bit of Divine Masculine energy to Bee Priestesses!   Melissa, or Melissae in the plural, literally means honeybee!    These Bee Priestesses are also sometimes called Bee Nymphs, which I adore as it brings a Faery energy to them! Honey itself is deeply connected to ancient Priestesses and Goddesses even more generally than the Bee.   I think that part of why Bees have been appearing, other than the obvious fact that it has been Spring and we are going into Summer now, is that they have been alerting me to the deepening nature of my spiritual journey!

Bees are so abundant and prosperous, which makes their association with Aphrodite, Venus, and other Love Goddesses quite ideal.   There is even biblical reference to the term ‘Land of Milk and Honey’ for something greatly prosperous and perfect!   The Bee provides us with not only Honey but also Beeswax, which makes for excellent candles and bath and beauty products, further cementing the relationship between Bees and Love and Beauty Goddesses!   

According to The Secret Power of Spirit Animals by Skye Alexander, the strengths of the Bee as a Spirit Animal are Industriousness, productivity, creativity, and cooperation.    The weaknesses of the Bee as a Spirit Animal, according to the same book, are Excessive busyness, temperamental nature, and being quick to anger.   It is a powerful thing to use the Bee’s energy to assist you any time that you need creative inspiration or determination in your life path direction!    There is truly boundless energy to tap into when you have a Bee come to you as a Spiritual Guide and Guardian.  

Connecting to my Inner Bee seems to be something that I have been quite naturally embracing as Bees have been appearing very often in my life.    While my primary Spiritual Animal Guides, the Crows and Ravens, are forever making themselves known in my life (especially with my very special affinity for birds in general), I also am careful to take notice of those animals that make themselves known to me regularly, and that is what has happened lately with Bees.   When an animal that has not been as present in my life makes themselves known in a big way, they are certainly a new Animal Spirit calling out to me!    I am so happy to be feeling the energy of the Bees, as powerful and potent pollinators in my life so much recently.    

I hope you have enjoyed this short overview of the magickal and enchanted nature of Bees as spiritual allies, and that it has inspired you to embrace your inner Queen Bee.    What is your favorite thing about Bees spiritually?   Do you crave living the life of the ancient Melissae?   What Spirit Animals have been appearing often in your life?   Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

Note on Image: The image at the top of the post is a honeybee.   I found the image on×10.

Tarot Note: I have a page offering tarot and oracle readings for those interested in these services!    I am very happy to be offering these readings to my treasured readers at White Rose of Avalon!  Link to page: 

Further Reading