‘Celtic Goddess Grimoire’ Book Review

Welcome back to White Rose of Avalon my Darlings.   Today’s post is a review of the brand-new book Celtic Goddess Grimoire by Annwyn Avalon.   This newest book by Annwyn Avalon was just officially released on March 4.   Since I pre-ordered it, the book was actually sent out early, so I received it a few days before the official release, which made me quite happy, as I am a huge lover of the books of Annwyn Avalon and was excited to read her newest release.

The book did not disappoint me, with even the inside covers having gorgeous watercolor maps showing the expanse of the Celtic world!   I was delighted to find this hidden gem inside the book, as I did not expect it.   Now, the book itself serves as a thorough overview of several Celtic Goddesses and their origins in archeology or mythological tales, as it is known that in Celtic lore we tend to either find names of deities in archeological evidence or in mythic tales instead of in both places, which is acknowledged in this book.    There is a lot of great practical advice, including meditations and spellwork, sprinkled throughout the text of the book, with different exercises for each Goddess featured.   I appreciate the fact that this book was so well researched and balanced well with personal gnosis, and importantly there is a clear indication of when the author is drawing from her own experiences, instead of simply writing personal experiences as fact which can make it seem that the assertions are based in literary or archeological evidence.   As a bonus, the author added photographs throughout the book to show the archeological evidence where it applied to the text.    

At the end of the day, this book is a great choice for anyone looking to deepen their knowledge of and form a relationship with Celtic Goddesses.    It is valuable to practitioners of any level.   Those with more practice, like myself, will find value in the perspective given by the author and use of the practical exercises and recipes.   Those with less practice with these Goddesses will find a great jumping-off point in the chapter devoted to that Goddess.   Of course, some of my experiences with the Goddesses differ from the author’s personal accounts, but I truly enjoy learning how other people experience Goddesses I myself have a relationship with.    

I hope you have enjoyed this rather glowing review of Celtic Goddess Grimoire by Annwyn Avalon. Have you picked up this great book yet?   Have you read her other books?   Do you intend to read this book?   Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

Note on Image: The image at the top of the post is the beautiful book cover.  I found the image on https://www.amazon.com/Celtic-Goddess-Grimoire-Enduring-Feminine/dp/157863802X.

Tarot Note: I have a page offering tarot and oracle readings for those interested in these services!    I am very happy to be offering these readings to my treasured readers at White Rose of Avalon!  Link to page: https://whiteroseofavalon.life/tarot-and-oracle-readings/