The Importance of Imagination and Inspiration

Today I want to discuss the importance imagination and inspiration play in our lives, especially for those of us who are creative (and how creative people make things for all to enjoy).   My imagination is what inspires the manuscripts I work on, my poetry and short fiction, and of course my blog posts here!    A combination of a vivid imagination and the ability to utilize life experience are what lead to interesting writing!

Imagination helps to make the world more interesting.   It can also simply help to act as escapism during times of great strife.    Writing fiction can help focus the mind on something more pleasant than what is actually happening.

During times of great hardship we often find the most beautiful art.   This may be true because the artist was using their pain to inspire a vivid and raw truth, or because the art worked as a salve to a wounded soul.    We all know the pain of loss and of fear, now more than ever as we live though a global pandemic.    One thing that can possibly help to make life seem less bleak is to work on artistic endeavors.    Seeing beauty in the world can help to reaffirm faith in humanity.

Works of art (whether this is writing, painting, sculpture, music, drama, or any other form of art) can act as a way of bringing people together.    Lovers of a similar piece of artwork find community, and passion can lead to friendship (and even love).   For instance, my husband and I initially bonded over a shared love of music! All of this art was brought forth by imagination and inspiration!   Sometimes the most painful times in our lives turn into art that can inspire and help others, and heal our own emotional upheaval along the way!

The reason that different forms of art are important to many of us, is that they strike a cord within us.   We feel a sense of not being alone in how we are feeling (or what we are going through).   In more positive times, we can share happy tales (and happier art) that expresses how good life can be.   These works of imagination both make people feel a little lighter, and can help remind us that all things must pass (bad times end, as life works as a cycle).    Personally, I know that this last year and a half made me never want to take my health, my loved ones, and my life for granted ever again.

As a writer I tap into a full range of emotions when I write, whether it is fiction, poetry, or non-fiction (like historical posts here on White Rose of Avalon).   My passion for things brings inspiration, as does the current events of my life.   Right now the importance of indulging our creative instincts, and of giving ourselves time to enjoy the work of others is more obvious than ever!    I hope you have enjoyed my rumination on the importance of imagination and inspiration in our lives! Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

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